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VistaVu is proud of the social investment we make in the communities we serve. We’ve been committed and connected to the communities of Calgary, AB and Houston, TX for more than 10 years. Our employees volunteer hours to community initiatives, and VistaVu contributes thousands of dollars through charitable donations and sponsorships every year.

In Calgary, where VistaVu HQ is located, we enjoy a high standard of living and luxuries that many other cities don't have. But it’s not all sunny skies for everyone in this province. Homelessness in Calgary is a growing issue, but it’s one we can something about. VistaVu is proud to play a small role in the movement to end homelessness. We are a pleased to be a long-time supporter of Inn From The Cold, Calgary’s original and largest emergency family shelter.

Last Thursday, we actually rolled up our sleeves.

After work, six VistaVu’ers and three of our family members spent the evening serving at the Inn’s downtown location.  Not only did we sponsor the dinnertime meal, but we also got to spend some time amongst the Inn's families, dishing out yummy burgers with all the fixings, caesar salad, chips and ice cream, as well as making breakfast and lunch for the next day. We got to sit down and enjoy the meal ourselves, and help clean up afterwards. It was a rewarding and eye-opening experience for all of us, and at a time when the entire province has felt the effects of the economic downturn, it brought some much-needed perspective and gratitude for what we do have. The Inn was full that night, with families of all sizes and kids of all ages, from wee-little newborns to teenagers on the cusp of adulthood. We’re truly thankful to the Inn for the opportunity to provide and see this social issue firsthand.

Thanks for all that you do, Inn From The Cold!


Here are a few pics of our evening – you can see from the smiles on all our faces that we genuinely enjoyed ourselves!

The prep work begins. From left: Conrad, Aaron, Cecile, Lezli and Diego.


Jory, our President and CEO, got his start at age 10 at his parents' Red Rooster stores, mopping up at the end of the day. He got a chance to put those mad mopping skills to work at IFTC. Look how those floors shine!


The team! Thanks so much to everyone who gave their time and energy to support a very worthy cause. From left to right, back: Diego, Conrad, Jennifer, Aaron and Jory. Front: Manour, Violeta, Cecil and Lezli.


Post by Manouri Giesen
August 28, 2015