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Big Data is useless if you can’t make any sense of it. Nowhere is this more true than in North American Oilfield Services. Businesses in your industry produce vast amounts of data every day, whether it be number of wells drilled, the amount of materials used to do it, or labor hours provided to customers. What good is all this data if you can’t draw anything from it, if it doesn’t help you make better decisions? At VistaVu, we think, it is NO good at ALL.

FieldVu Analytics, our brand new tool for North American oilfield services companies, takes all the data your business produces on a daily basis and renders it in the form of graphs and other user-friendly visualizations so you can view it easily and use it to make better, faster decisions. How does it work? In a nutshell, your data is organized into subsets that allow you to access and display information according to key performance indicators you have previously established. And it’s dead easy - simply drag and drop what you want to know.

So, forget about page after page of spreadsheets to boggle your mind. FieldVu Analytics serves up your data in a way that you have told it to, allowing you to look into your past, present and predictively in to your future. In other words, FieldVu Analytics will help you uncover the unexpected in your data.  

Read the article about FieldVu Analytics in
Gas, Oil and Mining Contractor, here.

Read our Special Report on Big Data here.

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Post by Manouri Giesen
March 20, 2015