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Whenever VistaVu meets with energy services companies, we make the same point. That is, it’s not what you make that counts in this industry, it’s what you keep.


Three years ago, oil was $100 per barrel. Even if a company wasn’t highly efficient, they stillkept a good profit at the end of most projects.Today, the most successful companies are those that manage their costs better than thecompetition.They know how to do more with less, and field service software can help.

VistaVu helps our clients see, understand and manage their costs in several ways. First, we bring many years’ experience working with energy services companies, and we know what separates top performers from the rest. In terms of field service management software, we bring what I am confident is the best overall solution in the industry today. It’s called FieldVu, built on SAP Business One, created by VistaVu specifically for energy services companies.

FieldVu is far more than just ticketing system software. It’s an all-in-one solution that allows you to monitor and manage everything that matters to your business.

Cost control begins with structuring any new project the right way. If you’re on a fixed-bid project, it’s all on you reduce costs to maximize profit. In a costs-plus scenario, you still need to manage costs so you can bid competitively. Either way, FieldVu sets up every project to help you keep more of what you make.

Centralized purchasing, another FieldVu capability, means people aren’t out in the field buying small quantities of supplies at the local hardware store. Instead, when you know what you use, you can buy ahead of time at volume and save on costs. Many everyday supplies can’t be billed back to your customer, of course, so the less you pay, the more you keep.

Do you know where all your equipment is? FieldVu does. This allows you to maximize billable time, while running as small a fleet as possible. The cost implications of this are clear.

Another core competency of FieldVu is real-time field data capture. This helps you deploy your workforce effectively, minimizing costly overtime. Real-time field data capture also saves you the significant costs associated with manual entry of paper field tickets.

No one can say when oil prices will hit $100 again. What we can do is be diligent about costs. After all, on any project, there can only be one low-cost provider. Let it be you. VistaVu Solutions can help.


Jory Lamb
Post by Jory Lamb
April 3, 2017