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SAP’s Best Practices for Oil & Gas Conference is fast approaching - September 22-25, 2015 at the Western Galleria in Houston, Texas.  This conference unites hundreds of professionals to embrace innovative solutions, fresh ideas and best-in-class strategies to improve on overall business performance.  President George W. Bush will be the featured speaker. Are you planning on attending? You still have time to register – early bird registration is open until August 21.

On Tuesday, September 23rd, VistaVu’s very own Executive Vice President, Logy Aviles, will be speaking with our esteemed customers, Elizabeth "Lisa" Altman, Project Controller and Lucy Branca, Director of Corporate Development from Schlumberger, the world’s leading supplier of technology, integrated project management and information solutions to customers working in the oil and gas industry worldwide. Their session, entitled “Maximize Your Operational Efficiencies to Gain Value from Your Acquisitions Faster,” is chock full of great information that will be invaluable to you as you Seize the Opportunity of the Upswing! In their session, learn how to quickly incorporate your acquisitions into your mainstream operations, so you can bring them onboard as quickly and easily as possible.

We hope to see you there! And be sure to say “hi” to Logy, Lisa and Lucy (we call them the three L’s!) when you attend their session. ;) 



Post by Manouri Giesen
August 14, 2015