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If you ask our VP of Strategic Partnerships, Angus Cowan, what he looks forward to most in the month of December, he *might* answer “the holidays” (he’s the father of three boys and a big kid himself, after all), but I’ll bet you a venti latte that he’ll more likely answer, the “Amble with Angus.” That’s the 5K fun run that he puts on twice a year, in support of the Calgary Food Bank. On Friday, December 11 @ 7:30am, over 500 participants, including Angus and many of his family, friends and colleagues, will run a course at Eau Claire Market in Downtown Calgary to raise some much needed funds for the Food Bank’s Children’s Milk Program.

Since its inception, the Amble has raised over $300,000 (100% of which was donated) for this important charity. The event has become even more essential this year as many Calgarians find themselves enduring the economic downturn. In 2015, the Children’s Milk Program will complete 7300 deliveries of 32,000 cartons of milk and 2700 canisters of formula to 1800 households to support our community’s families. The Amble wants to do all it can to contribute to this and more.

Join, donate, sponsor and cheer!

Run 5KM and support your community and be done by 9:00 am!

Your participation in this awesome event can take many forms. You can register to run – a donation of just $20 covers your registration fee and gets you a tax receipt. You don’t have to be an athlete or a runner. I hear they’ll even let you walk or cut the course! You can also donate and sponsor a participant, and receive a tax receipt for the full amount. And of course, you can also just lend your support or volunteer. It’s being held in Calgary after all, and as we all know, it might very well be -40 degrees at that time. The participants at this rain or shine event might need your cheers to warm them up as they cross the finish line. Angus is prepared no matter the temperature - he’s been growing a beard since the summer, no doubt to keep him warm as he runs!

To find out more about the Amble with Angus, please visit To find out more about the Calgary Food Bank, visit

See you in December at Eau Claire Market! Angus will be the one with the bushy beard, and I’ll be the one with the venti latte cheering you on! See you at the starting line!


Post by Manouri Giesen
November 23, 2015