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In Part 1 of this series we discussed embracing the consumerization of IT and in Part 2 we found out that software in the cloud is a great option for some businesses.

In Part 3 we will learn that “Big Data” is a big problem – for everyone, including energy services companies! In today’s world of instant data we can find out what our 7th grade locker partner had for dinner, but the amount of data we are generating is getting out of control.

Get Smart about Businessdescribe the image Intelligence

Information overload is a legitimate threat to productivity and competitiveness because it dramatically reduces your ability to find, analyze and exploit opportunities. Many SMEs try to gain Business Intelligence (BI) through spreadsheets by circulating them through e-mail or at meetings. While this may have been effective 10 years ago, it’s a different story today. Today’s successful business requires insights that can help cut costs and drive revenue and that means BI technology that can manage, visualize, analyze and report on “Big Data.”

BI technology was something that only large corporations had access to in the past, but in the present, it’s a necessity for SMEs as well. For example, SAP BusinessObjects Edge BI provides SMEs with a comprehensive, versatile BI system that helps address how you do business, and your budget.

Big data is only getting bigger, so the time is now. No matter what BI solution you choose, it needs to help you gain real visibility into your business, maximize your company’s potential and help squeeze every last ounce of profitability out of day-to-day activities.

The Business V

Post by Nicole Baron
August 25, 2011