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1303838433 line chart resized 600There are a number of requirements for growing a business in the energy services sector. In addition to needing a great product or service, it is essential to be sure that you are on top of purchasing decisions, job costing, preventative maintenance, current inventory levels, and your ability to complete projects within the requirements set out by the operator so that they continue to use you as a service vendor on future jobs.

Many small businesses struggle with inefficiency. They make decisions slowly because they don’t have all of the information they need readily at hand. They have trouble evaluating their needs or answering questions that come from business partners. Having the right tools in place can help you avoid these challenges, and ensure that you have the right systems in place to effectively manage your ongoing field service jobs, maximize their profitability, and ultimately – drive your business forward.

With SAP Business One integrated with FieldVu , you can put a system in place that lets you keep all of your important business information in one place – from job and unit costing, preventative maintenance, rentals, field ticketing, warranties, service/repair, inventory and equipment tracking to operations, sales, CRM, HR, purchasing and financial data .

Whether you need to verify the number of assets you have sitting idle or out on a job site, get visibility into labour costing across specific field jobs, or see detailed end-to-end job costing, know that the data is accessible. Rather than allowing small challenges to escalate, you can monitor processes, identify corrective courses, and prevent issues from developing. Similarly, you can ensure all appropriate costs are being billed back to specific jobs properly – so you don’t get stuck paying hard costs out of your own pocket down the road that should have been accounted for earlier.

To grow your business, it’s vital to get answers when you need them. Having tools at your disposal that let you perform a simple search and quickly act on that information. If your system slows you down, it won’t help you to reach your goals – particularly those goals related to the growth of your business.


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Post by Nicole Baron
April 26, 2011