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Making purchasing decisions, communicating between locations or depots, maintaining up-to-date customer data, managing finances and billing, producing reports, effectively managing multiple oilfield jobs simultaneously: software is often the key component of all of these processes. Most businesses focus on finding the right tool for each task.

However, what if it were possible to avoid duplicate data entry and training staff to use a variety of different applications?

If your business is growing, and as a result - has outgrown your current software tools, rather than looking at a number of different products, why not look at an all-in-one solution that lets you do more? SAP Business One is an application that allows you to configure your system your way. Manage procurement and inventory. Track financials and manage human resources applications. Get real-time visibility into end-to-end job costing, and keep a handle on assets and inventory. Ensure that product development processes run smoothly and keep track of research.

And don’t forget your customers – in addition to maintaining staff communications and having tools that allow you to manage the business side of things, you’ll also be able to benefit from functionality that allows you to connect with customers, to offer better quotes, product/service and pricing information, as well as managing delivery and billing information.

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Looking for multiple solutions to address business issues is time consuming. There’s a better way – one that not only will help to manage systems and simplify the way you do business. Having an integrated, all-in-one solution allows you to focus less on solving problems and more on growing your business and reaching your goals.

View our webcast on demand to learn about 3 key signs that tell you you've outgrown your existing systems and it may be time for an upgrade!

Created on 09/13/11 at 11:35:27


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Post by Nicole Baron
April 18, 2011