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If you’re like most small to mid-sized businesses in the energy services space, you probably have different systems or processes in place to help you manage your business – from fioilfield EnergyServices resized 600nancials and operations right down to your field operations. These systems often include a simple business accounting application, a custom database to track customer/vendor contacts, and in almost every case – a few spreadsheets to manage the service side of your business. When your business is small, or just starting out managing your data this way works just fine – but as your grow, having your data disconnected like this can really start to create bottlenecks and reduce productivity.

When it comes to evaluating the costs associated with your jobs - it can be frustrating when you can’t connect those third-party expenses to that job. Often companies in this space are tracking these expenses in a different system than the one they’re tracking their revenue from that job in. The same goes for payroll – you may have hundreds of field tickets and work orders you need to apply against a specific project, but without being able to tie all of these expenses back to your job in a single unified system, you don’t get an accurate picture of the profitability of the job. Even worse, you can get stuck paying third-party bills that weren’t billed to you (or lost) until after the project closes.

You’re busy enough dealing with the typical challenges of managing a growing energy services business - you don’t need to deal with getting stuck paying these hard costs after the project closes and it’s too late to bill them back to your customer. You need a way to get better visibility into the details of your projects, to keep tabs on expenses – including payroll for every job, every time.

With a seamless link between your payroll, 3rd party billing and revenue tracking processes you’ll be able to get a clear and accurate picture of the true profitability on all of your jobs - and will avoid getting stuck with unexpected hard costs again.

We can help.

Click me

Post by Nicole Baron
February 2, 2011