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VistaVu has worked with many oilfield services companies throughout North America over the years, many of them oilfield rental companies. And time and time again, we witness them deal with the same challenges, over and over again. Oilfield rental companies need to keep tight reign over variety of business functions – that’s just the nature of the business. From asset management, to sales and logistics, to human resources and finance. If you lose track of things, that could spell disaster for the bottom line. The problem is, how do you keep your eye on all these moving parts when you really need to keep your eye on the bigger picture so you can grow your business? If you’ve got year head down trying to keep your eye on the day-to-day minutiae of business operations, you might miss the big opportunities when they present themselves.

The key is this: having one, single, comprehensive system that will help you run everything. Because it’s a single solution, there is no switching between different systems and no re-keying data.  You save time and resources, and you minimize error. With everything in one place, you’ll have the time to focus on the big things that will grow your business and move it forward.

Read our previous blog post written for oilfield rentals companies here.
Download our brand new eBook – Rethinking Rentals – for more information.

Post by Manouri Giesen
November 7, 2014