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Oil prices may be low, but that hasn’t slowed things down around here at VistaVu.  We started the year out with great news as we learned we’ve received recognition from the CIO Review as one of the 20 Most Promising Energy Technology Solution Providers for 2014, as featured in their December 30, 2014 Special Release Magazine. More to come about that next week, so stay tuned. Additionally, we were notified we’ve jumped up from last year’s #28 spot to #16 on Alberta Ventures Fast Growth 50 list for 2015.  Without our great employees and the support of our wonderful clients, this wouldn’t have been possible – thank you for all their efforts. And speaking of clients - we’ve had 4 new clients go live already in January.  It’s obvious that regardless of what oil prices are doing in the marketplace, companies still understand that they need to get the right tools in place that can help them be more efficient and save money during low price times. They recognize that now is the time to put tools in place that will help them hit the ground running when prices start to rise again. If you stand back and look at the price of oil over the past several years   it’s an interesting story. In short, we’ve been here before. If you don’t use this time to reduce the weight of operational inefficiencies, it will be hard to pick yourself back up again.


Get your year off to a good start, too. Call us today so we can help you reduce inefficiencies now, and put yourself in a better place for tomorrow.

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Post by Manouri Giesen
January 16, 2015